Thursday, September 27, 2007

My 2 page spread of what 1st year in IARC is like

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I've never really had art classes before, so therefore I have not been taught how to shade appropriatley so this posed a little challenge for me.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Pencil Box

This project I feel was succesful, but only after making boxes over many of times. I'm not very good at cutting so I had to make many different sides so that they would line up perfect. I also had to scale it down because my first iteration was huge and looked like a big treasure chest, I don't really know what I was thinking.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Profile of my friend Austin, adding in the lips is a bit difficult for guys because it makes them look a little girly if the lips are too big.

This is a profile view of my mom

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This was the Profile drawing from Jamie in class.

This is a profile view of my roommate Alexander. I while doing these drawings 1 guy and 2 girls I found it more simple to draw guys but, at the same time they don't have the amount of hair girls do which makes it seem more real to life

This is a profile view of my friend Kristen, this picture to me looks nothing like her and not really like a person these days anyways, to me she looks like an egyption lady, I think one of the places I went wrong was in her cheek and jaw, they seem swollen.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

This was our first time drawing people with out intruction, I did horrible on these and tried to get by with what I know but, now I feel as I am a little better not much but, a little better at least at what peoples faces are suppose to look like and drawn.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

So basically this was a view I saw while looking out from the park in downtown Greensboro, I really like stop lights for some reason, it's something just to kinda throw off the big boring buildings that look like rectangles with more rectangles inside.

This was the front view from where I was sitting, just more parking garages and such. This day I was a bit frustrated and wasn't feeling drawing which I feel added to the messiness of my drawing, also working in pen is tough for me because with pencil I erase a lot and with pen unfourtunatly you don't get that option.

For some reason I like drawing things upside down, this along with when we had to do the picture of the guy upside down always seem to turn out better than rightside up, kinda crazy but, hopefully I'll get better at both!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Egg Project

This egg project was our very first project and threw me for a loop. I had no idea really of what types of projects to expect from this major but, I did not think it would be quite like this. This project was very abstract and did not make since to me at all. I tried a lot of different things and then came up with this idea of time, and made an hourglass like structure, then apparently it was to much and needed to not appear so literal so, the model I have built here is more like just the middle part of an hourglass. I was glad when this project was over with because it stressed me out a lot I did not know what they were expecting. Over all as I look back I like what I did with the project and although it took awhile to get there I am glad I was persistant with it and finnished the project well.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

This is my second attempt at re-drawing the library...still does not do it justice.

This is suppose to be the Library along with a few other small buildings at UNCG.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

So Basically this is just the lamp that was sitting on my desk at the time, it had some open space so I decided it might be good to draw

This is the bar stool, im not too good yet at overlapping items and having them cross over one another so this one was a little bit harder but, easier than some of the others

Blind Contours of hands are not easy! Infact they all tend to look like alien hands or something of that sort, I did the best I could with not being able to look at my hand and keep it still while drawing

This of the contour objects was by far the most difficult to draw because there was so much space and we had to draw in between each bar, also where the bars and space started to overlap caused a little of a struggle for me